Write in your experience

Thank you for your continued support & contribution to this blog. This material is helping us build a comprehensive case portfolio that can be presented to the press, on TV, etc,. to garner public support for our cause! It is great to see the overwhelming positive responses and flood of emails in support of Nithyananda. If you want to post on this blog, share your blissful experiences by writing in to: Ncourage1000@gmail.com


Trusting the Master is Ultimate!

Trust in your master is something that neither emnates from one's so called intellectual reasoning nor from an emotional heart. The mind helps Understand and heart helps in creating faith but Trust... emnates from experimenting with truth and experiencing the truth.

"Being around the Master, observing his body language helps you take longer spiritual strides", says Master. As much as one would like to be, one's worldly trappings prevent you from being around Him. Having said that, I must also admit that I never miss being around Him because He is always there with you, in every single thought, every activity performed, at home, at work, just everywhere.

100 days ago, it felt like you had lost the Master's hand that held and lead you...Like a little kid when lets go the mother's hand among the madding crowds at a Kumbha Mela...lost directionless, crying, distraught, orphaned...except that a few siblings that huddled together and comforted each other...
But the smiling saint, kept smiling...keeps smiling
And now, we are smiling again.

His right to religious freedom, his right to preach and propagate his religious beliefs and as a result his right to carry on an occupation/profession stand curtailed...
He continues to smile...

Look at how our criminal justice system works. After organising a manhunt as if it were to nail a terrorist/ fugitive, posting advertisements calling in victims to file complaints, patting themselves for making the arrest, slapping sections as serious as 376 of the IPC, holding a person in custody for 53 days, interrogating the remotest of witnesses and to finally rest their case based on non-availability of a complainant or a complaint!?! When there was no victim, how could there be a perpetrator?!
He continues to smile...
Hail Indian media... who have put their TRPs above all...invasion of privacy of individuals, disrespecting religious sentiments of people, conducting media trials and passing judgements, taking for granted privacy/dignity/integrity of all women especially film stars and last but not least doing a complete somersault in taking positions on the matter itself! Hail Indian media who hasnt ceased to continue to publish derogatory material, believes they are eligible to comment on the nuances of Hindu religion and spirituality. And we thought they are trained only in journalism.
All on the basis of a video CD which is inadmissible as evidence.
He continues to smile...

Soon his infectious enlightened smile will put that smile back on a million or more faces...

Special salutations to those disciples who were steadfast, taking on suspision, speculations, abuses, mockery and humiliation!
Nithya Bhaktanandaji whose Guru Bhakti stunned the officers, Nithya Gyananandaji and Nithya Satchitanandaji who held on and guided fellow disciples, disciples like Nithya Prananandaji and Nithya Atmaprabhanandaji who I saw moving amongst the commoners in mufti (looking uncomfortable in trousers n a shirt yet carrying on with their duties unperturbed) and most importantly the brahmacharins...even on a crowded day like Gurupoornima when lakhs of devotees que up, at night the areas surrounding Nithyanandapuri would seem dark and scary. And at a vulnerable time when He was not at the Ashram and several inmates had exited, while the ashram wore a deserted look, Ma Nithya Satchitanandaji, Nithya Priyananda, Nithya Shantananda, Nithya Achalananda and many more just held on...not knowing what the future held in store for them...

My salutations to their spiritual strength and their GuruBhakthi! Just reminding all of us that these are young, highly educated people who have quit high flying jobs and everything else to be here.

Trusting the Master...helps retain the trust in oneself.

He shall return...and brand Paramahamsa Nithyananda will be fashionable all over again! Nithyanandam...
Malavika Avinash

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No words to express by happiness!

dear swamiji my heartiest pranam to you, its a big relief to see you back,i want to hear from you swamiji please share your feelings with us through you tube, i want your blessings and deep vitarka much stronger than before .
please give me your darshan swamiji and bless me and my child shivam .
om namah shivaya

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No words...

Dearest Gurudev,
Hey, nithya i feel like writing so many things but when i want to write i feel there is nothing to write. I call you nithya because u r more than a guru to me, meaning i feel that u r god, we call our gods by name like govinda, krishna, rama... The idols of gods will always have smiling face in happiness and sorrow and u to have the same smiling face during joy and distress, i have not seen such a face which has so much of kalae. Nithya when i saw your smiling face for the first time, i prayed that even i should have smiling face
because many people have told me that i have a sad face. Now that you are out of jail my soul is dancing with joy. Oh, god because you are in human form i feel insecure about your life because of mindless cruel people. We need you. Take care.
Ma Anand Indirani

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Views of a Supreme Court Advocate on Bail Condition

Nithyanandam, I am enclosing the views of a top Advocate who has been campaigning against the atrocities of media and expressed boldly His valuable opinions on Swamij's case on all occations:
This flamboyant Advocate has put up his views on the current Bail out conditions in the case of Swamiji.I strongly feel this information and views must reach all devotees and a comprehensive collective opinions of the devotees must reach the judiciary to bring about needed amendments by the Govt body.

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Kv Dhananjay Am I the only one perplexed at this condition on which bail has been granted by Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka for Swami Nityananda - 'no preaching'? Since when did a Court of law acquire a judicial power to enforce merit in religious or spiritual matters? I am amused first and truly amazed next - all, with due respects to the Court.

Kv Dhananjay Well, a judicial Order should always be respected, whether it be good or bad. Aggrieved devotees may apply to the High Court seeking 'removal of preaching bar'. Certainly, the HC cannot then say that it knows what's best for devotees; more than what devotees themselves think is best for them. Simple.Top of Form

Shawn Bhibekshan Chowdhry

what bothers me is not the decision but why is the supreme court overlooking these sorts of biases and decisions taken under coerce from political parties and groups who are very much against the swamis who are championing the cause of vedas and holding the vedic tradition high. The tragedy is the Indian media which is supposed to be independent ... See Moreand must have high standards have become the mouth piece of these groups who are hell bent upon destroying the vedic traditions. Swami Nithyananda is one such leader who has shown at a very young that he has the intellect and knowledge to teach vedic sciences, has the guts and dare to take on all those anti-vedic tradition groups and has the vision and leadership to change the dynamics in not only India but Worldwide and bring a spiritual revolution across all faiths and nations. The missionaries and the athiests in the South must be countered with a full force to save our values and bring a vedic renaisance.

Raajaananda Nithya

Yes, I am also perplexed... how can the court enforce this kind of a power?? Paramahamsa Nithyananda has been preaching the same truths that were always there in our Vedic Tradition, he simply says it in a way and manner in which people in the present day can understand.
Sir, don't you feel there are some fundamental rights that are being taken away from Paramahamsa Nithyananda?

Swarupananda Nithya

Sir,U are absolutely right.There are no rights to stop the religious activities of any person.that too doing to a great religious master is ridiculous.

Shawn Bhibekshan Chowdhry

Time and again truth has been suppressed, poisoned and lynched, the only way is to stand up against those who violate the fundamentals of truth and freedom and remove them from the chairs of power.

Sri Nithya Sri Priyan

Nithyanadam, there is a real need to address this issue.There is persistent bullying in the case of Swamiji, without cognizance of human rights and fundamental rights of Indian citizen.I cannot understand how the highest offices of justice is not observant of the facts when they have clearly found no clear cut evidences to call a person criminal ... See Moreis held for over 2 months and offer him bail on conditions that is inappropriate.Every conscious intellectual citizen of India must address this . With all due respects to Honorable courts and Justices and Indian Public,as citizen of India and devotee of Swamiji, we humbly request the Honorable judiciary must reconsider the conditions of Bail.We as devotees of Swamij also express our gratitude to the Honorable Judiciary for having passed the bail order for release of Swamiji.

All devotees of Swamiji have certainly all the respects and gratitude towards the Judiciary for granting Bail to Swamiji. Even though there is no direct evidence or cases to implicate any criminal charges against Swamiji, He had been held in justly over 50days, the Bail Conditions are certainly a not a digestible matter for the Devotees who eagerly waited for Swamiji's release.

However the matter may require dire attention , let us all enjoy the bliss of Our Swamiji in our midst and make a positive approach through the legal means to release the bindings of the Bail and let all of us drench in the blissful rain of our Beloved Swamiji's Programs and Discourses.

Once Swamiji permits all devotees can join in requests and pleadings along with Dhyanapeetam and this address issue equivocally.
First let us enjoy the Bliss of return of Swamiji to Dhyanapeetam-present moment.
Sri Nithya Sri Priyan

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Thank You and Soooo Happy Swamiji is back at Bidadi

Nithyanandam swamji,

It's a great relief to hear swamji is back in bidadi, thank you so much swamiji for coming back to bidadi....

take care swamji, love you always.....Swamiji lots and lots of miracle happens in my life during your tenure of isolation for some time..and for me it's like it took one man to go on isolation to make me understand and experience the true teachings of life....

Thank you again from bottom of my heart swamji...Even during your isolation there's lots of your teachings became experience and part of my life....Thank you so much for Your Sacrifices....

Thank you again swamji,

In gratitude,

Sri Nithya Pranavamayan

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Woo Hoo HE's out!!!

Nithyanandam dear ones all,
Doubtless you may have heard, but please post on the blogspot!! SwamiJi was released Sat June 12 at 6:15 PM from the jail and returned to Bidadi ashram. The Dhyanapeetam website reports that he returned safely and is now settling back at "home".
Eh Ma HO!!!!
blissfully in Nithyananda
Ma Sarvavidyaa

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Happy to hear news about bail

Hello Swami Nithyananda,
I am very glad to hear you have been bailed and I am worryingly waiting for Monday to come and you come back and spread peace and love to the people once more.
thank you Swamiji
Love & regards
Vikram Sharma

Category: 2 comments

Nirahara Prarthana (Fasting Prayer) at Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Ashram on 5th & 6th June


Nirahara Prarthana (Fasting Prayer) at Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Ashram on 5th & 6th June

Ashramites and devotees of Paramahamsa Nithyananda come together on June 5th and 6th for a Nirahara Prarthana (Fasting Prayer) for the release of their beloved guru. The Nirahara Prarthana is being observed at Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam’s ashram at Bidadi near Bangalore.

While ashramites have been observing regular fasting and chanting for Nithyananda’s early release on bail, selected devotees from Bangalore and other places join them in the prayer over the weekend. Other devotees join in the prayer at various satsang centers in their own areas.

On 5th June, the Nirahara Prarthana started at 7 a.m. with Nithya Dhyaan meditation and Guru Pooja, followed by worship at the ancient sacred banyan tree. Day-long purascharana (chanting), meditation and aarati are also being performed in the Anandeshwara temple in the ashram.

The Nirahara Prarthana is also being observed at Nithyananda’s Vedic Temples in the USA, and by followers in Malaysia, Singapore and other places worldwide. Devotees who do not have access to a satsang center will join in the prayer from their homes.

The bail hearing of Nithyananda, who has been in custody since April 21st this year, is scheduled for June 8th. Nithyananda’s followers are convinced of their guru’s innocence and are hoping for a favorable verdict

Following are some of the pictures of Ashramites and Devotees observing Fasting Prayer (Nirahara Prarthana).

Category: 2 comments

Nithyananda has no role in Sri Sri's attack


Published on Deccan Chronicle (http://www.deccanchronicle.com)

Nithyananda has no role: Ashram

Jun 02 2010

June 1: The Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam has denied any role in the firing at the Art of Living campus on Kanakapura Road. Dhyanapeetam officials stated that Nithyananda is being made a scapegoat for “any incident that happens anywhere in the country”.

The founder of AoL Sri Sri Ravishankar’s harsh criticisms of Nithyananda for his sexcapade was also suspected to be the reason behind the firing. After state DGP Ajai Kumar Singh termed the firing as just an ‘incident’ and not an ‘attack’, different theories were being floated as the gunman had fired from a distance of 750 ft.
“We would like to categorically state that Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam is in no way involved with any such incident. In these tough times when our guru Paramahamsa Nithyananda is in judicial custody and is facing baseless allegations, it really pains us to be dragged into such absurd conspiracy theories related to incidents with which we are in no way related,’’ a Dhyanapeetam staff said.

He also said the Sri Sri himself has termed the allegations, that he wanted to take over all the trusts managed by Nithyananda, as baseless. “Since there is no victim in cases against Nithyananda attempts are being made to implicate him in other false cases. Till today in the said matter for which Paramahamsa Nithyananda is arrested and is in judicial custody there has been no further progress,” the officials said. Nithyananda’s bail application will come up for hearing on June 8.

Category: 1 comments

Fervent appeal to release Swamiji soon

To whom it may concern

Respected Sir/ Madam,

I am a Mauritian , now living in Australia, 34 yo, ex-teacher in college , now self employed.
I am really puzzled how people can be so close minded. Cant you see Nithyananda is a genuine yogi !
I myself have been practising meditation for approx 14 years now.

Well, history repeats itself again and again. Lots of people wishing good for the mankind have been ill treated since the dawn of human civilisation by negative people. There are lots of examples as you surely know; Do not be one of those people.

If I compare Nithyananda with Jesus, You might find it hard to beleive, but definitely you are comparable to those people who have thrown stones at Jesus or Laughed at him and judged him where there was nothing he did wrong.

Release Nithyananda . Human civilisation needs people like him.


Category: 2 comments

Living in utter insecurity and bliss!



Category: 1 comments

Time for Journalists to Wake Up and do a Reality Check - for a change... (whew !!!)


Here is an interesting article showing that crazies and corruption still has a playing hand in India..! Time for every Responsible Journalist who is also a Responsible citizen and all the Intelligent ones to wake up and see !! Stand UP !!

I urge the Media and Responsible People, Stand up and start promoting the 7000 Hours of Discourses on YouTube by our Master - Purely Promoting our RICH VEDIC CULTURE, HERITAGE, SCIENCE, TRUTHS, DHARMA and also PROUDLY Standing Up and PROMOTING INDIA - OUR BHARAT Culture, and ALL THE ENLIGHTENED MASTERS of INDIA with such Dignity, Grace in Every Foreign Country !!

Stand Up for Our Enlightened Masters who are Pure Cosmic Intelligence, Stand Up for our culture and Justice !! Stop being ruled and being Brutally Abused by unelightened, ignorant, immoral Crazies !!!!


Brahmins have become the Dalits

François GautierFirst Published : 27 May 2010 11:27:00 PM ISTLast Updated : 27 May 2010 12:24:53 AM IST

The caste system has been the most vilified aspect of Hindu society at the hands of Western scholars. And this has greatly contributed to India’s lack of national pride, as you hardly find any Indian who is not ashamed of caste, especially if he talks to a Westerner. Much of this shame originated with the idea that it was the Aryans who devised the caste system. And thus English missionaries and later, American preachers, were able to convert tribes and low caste Hindus by telling them : “ you, the aborigines, the tribals, the Harijans, are the original inhabitants of India, and you should discard Hinduism, the religion of the Aryans and embrace, Christianity, the true religion”.

Thus was born the great Aryan invasion theory, of two civilisations, that of the low caste Dravidians and the high caste Aryans, always pitted against each other — which has endured, as it is still today being used by some Indian politicians. It has also been enshrined in all history books — Western, and unfortunately also Indian, although all the latest linguistic, archaeological and satellite mapping, show that there never was an Aryan invasion. This theory has also made Indians look westwards, instead of taking pride in their past and present achievements.

Yet, once upon a time, caste was an arrangement for the distribution of functions in society, just as much as class in Europe, but the principle on which this distribution was based was unique and adapted to India’s social needs. It is true that the caste system degenerated and that it bred exploitation and abuses, which were often unforgivable. But look at today: it is the Brahmins who have become the Dalits of India. Brahmins are in minority in most of the UP villages, where Dalits constitute 60 to 65 per cent ; most of the intellectual Brahmin Tamil class has emigrated outside Tamil Nadu; the average income of Brahmins is less than that of non-Brahmins; a high percentage of Brahmin students drop out at the intermediate level ; 75 per cent of domestic help and cooks in Andhra Pradesh are Brahmins; and most of Delhi’s public toilets are cleaned by Brahmins (Brahmins of India by J. Radhakrishna, published by Chugh Publications, 2007).

It is also true that India has been trying to get away from the caste system in the last 60 years. And with some success: it is difficult today to distinguish the upper caste from the Dalit, in a plane, an hotel or shopping mall. The government has also implemented many schemes that did successfully empower the lower castes both at the educational and social level, even if this system has sometime been perverted. But the people who demand today a caste census, do not want it to alleviate caste and poverty. They want it because in today’s India, it is enough to have the voices of the Muslims and the Dalits to be elected. It is at best a cynical ploy, and at worst one that will hurt India and divide it more and more as the British had wished.

What is sure is that if there is a caste census, the greatest sufferers will be the ‘other’ non-Dalit Hindus, who constitute nearly 40 per cent of the Hindu community (unfortunately they are hopelessly divided). Indeed, we live today in an India where Hindus, the overwhelming majority of this country, are treated like an inconsequential minority. An India, where it’s okay to free the two Muslims convicted by the Mumbai police for helping in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, but where Swami Nityananda, a grown-up adult, who had consensual sex with a grown-up woman, is thrown in jail. An India, where the so called-Hindu terrorists of Malegaon, or Ajmer, languish in prison without ever having been convicted, but where those guilty of having killed so many people in the German Bakery of Pune, have never been caught, as there is no political will to do so. An India, where many institutions have been subverted by the Government to the point that in exchange for Mayawati’s support in the recent cut motion, the CBI lifted all cases against her. An India which is supposed to be the largest democracy in the world, but where phones are tapped, where politicians who take thousands of crores as bribes, get away with it, and where people are scared to speak aloud. An India where Sir Mark Tully (who most definitely wrote Hindutva, Sex & Adventures), is considered an icon of ‘fair’ journalism, whereas, when he was BBC’s correspondent, he set standards in reporting on South Asia, which still stand today and harm India’s image. Even though since the mid-Eighties, Pakistan encouraged, financed, trained and armed Kashmiri separatism, Tully always made it a point to say: “India accuses Pakistan to foster separatism in Kashmir”; or : “elections are being held in Indian- held Kashmir”; or “Kashmir militants ” have attacked an army post, instead of “terrorists”. All the other foreign journalists, yesterday and today have followed the BBC’s benchmarks.

This hostile attitude, pioneered by the BBC, may have also partially influenced President Obama’s South Asia policy, whereas he thinks he can fight terror by making a frontline state of the very country which fosters three-fourths of the terror attacks in the world. He is also tightening the screws on India so that it negotiates with Pakistan, even at the cost of compromising on its sovereignty in Kashmir. Obama is finally pressuring Manmohan Singh to give up India’s military nuclear programme, leaving it at the mercy of not only Pakistan’s, but also China’s formidable nuclear arsenal. The government may have come to a secret agreement with US on all these points. The caste census is just another ploy to subvert democracy in the name of democracy.


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Support from New Yort City!

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to state my support and let people know what I feel.

Swami Ji said one time or many, that everything is auspicious. This made me think a lot and I came to the conclusion that what ever happens out there is of my making too and in the end, what I strife for is happiness. He sacrifice himself like a lamb for the purpose of getting to know myself. Great compassion indeed. And suppose he is a fraud, it is a win win situation.

I still feel the same way and I still revere him for what he is. In the end I put the meaning to what happens outside me and... it is auspicious and I thank him for his compassion and his sacrifice. I can't wait to see him again in New York City!! Hope is soon!!! :) He will be back better, bigger, stronger and more powerful!


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More healing miracles in Seattle

Nithyanandam friends,

Yesterday I met my friend Dr Karen Jones MD for lunch.

Karen is a surgeon in women's health care and also has a private practice in energy healing. She is a Lutheran Christian, and studies as well with Sai Ma.

She learned about SwamiJi from me last summer 2009. When he came to Seattle in Nov 2009, Karen came attended the program.

The wife of Karen's church minister was very sick with liver failure. In July 2009 she had been placed into hospice program, which means her doctor gave her less than six months to live. Many treatments had been tried and all had failed. She was extremely swollen with fluids and in constant pain and nausea.

Karen asked SwamiJi during darshan to heal her friend. He agreed and promised it would happen.

A month later, the fluid swelling was noticeably reduced and the minister's wife was well enough that her husband took her to Hawaii for a "last trip".

When they returned, she continued to improve. Now, in May 2010, she is fully back to her regular life and only sees her doctor for occasional monitoring. Her liver tests have normalized.

I didn't know any of this until yesterday. Karen and I had both been traveling since Kalpataru and she never told me about her friend nor about her request.

Karen agreed that I could quote her story and use her name at this website. She looks forward to seeing SwamiJi again when he next tours the US.

in Nithyananda,

Karen Jones MD. CBH
Ma Sarvavidyaa Nithya, RN, MA, FOI, IBCLC

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It will be overwhelming victory for Master Nithyananda

I am very happy that Nithyananda is taking these negative forces head on. When he is out in public life nobody can stop him from winning people's heart. Now when he is in jail, all the inmates and officials are getting blessings from him and I am sure he is now working on the psyque of the people who r not in public life, he is intense energy who is active all the time and changing this world very fast. Now nobody can stop the Master. Wow I am so happy for all the poor, simple people who had lost faith in everything, now god is descending in so many forms and the brave Nithyananda has taken the toughest task. It will be a treat to watch this battle, How beautifully this statement of Vivekananda is coming true that a single YOGI is sufficient to erase 90 lakh negative people, It will be overwhelming victory for The Master Nithyananda. He is amazing/ Adbhut.


Category: 2 comments

Article in New York Times: In India, Sometimes News Is Just a Product Placement

From The New York Times:

LETTER FROM INDIA: In India, Sometimes News Is Just a Product Placement

The country is grappling with reports that editorial space in newspapers and other media outlets is being sold to companies or politicians without it being labeled as such for readers. Read on....


PONDICHERRY, INDIA — A businessman I know was approached by representatives of a leading Indian national newspaper and offered a deal: Give us a stake in your company, and we’ll give you advertising space and favorable editorial coverage.

A publisher told me that she received a similar proposition: Pay us, and we’ll interview your authors and write features about them.

Sushma Swaraj, the parliamentary leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party, has said that she was offered favorable media coverage during national elections last year in exchange for 10 million rupees, or $220,000.

I wrote a few weeks ago about the commercialization of intellectual and cultural life in India. There is perhaps no example of this trend more egregious than the phenomenon of “paid content” or “paid news,” in which space for articles in newspapers, magazines and the electronic media is sold without it being labeled as such for readers.

Rumors about shady practices — unethical, possibly illegal — in the Indian media have circulated for years. Over the past year or so, and especially since the 2009 parliamentary elections, when the sale of media space was reported to have reached new heights, the issue has drawn more attention.

Questions have been raised in Parliament. Last July, the Press Council of India, a government-sanctioned monitoring group, formed a two-man committee to look into the allegations. The committee completed a draft report last week that was due to be released publicly, but that release is on hold after a strong show of opposition from media owners.

Nonetheless, many of the report’s key findings have been leaked into the public domain, and they make for damning reading. Though publishers have complained that the evidence presented is weak, the report identifies several publications that are believed to have sold editorial space and it lists scores of instances in which the practice allegedly occurred.

Paranjoy Guha-Thakurta, one of the authors of the report, told me that one of its most disturbing findings was that the practice of paid content had become “institutionalized.” He said that it goes beyond individual editors or publishers, and beyond the occasional paid junket. “What started out as an individual aberration has become an illness, an epidemic of sorts,” he said. “This makes the malpractice all the more troubling.”

The commercialization of the Indian media takes many forms. It has been known for some time that a few of India’s leading media conglomerates — including Bennett, Coleman & Co., the publisher of The Times of India and The Economic Times — offer what that company calls “innovative” and “integrated” marketing strategies that blur the traditional line between advertising and article content. Bennett, Coleman’s Medianet division, for example, lets advertisers place articles on certain pages in the paper without clearly marking them as advertising.

One of the company’s more aggressive offerings is a product known as a Private Treaty, which offers companies a certain amount of advertising space in exchange for equity stakes in those companies. According to the Private Treaties Web site, Bennett, Coleman now holds such equity stakes in more than 100 companies.

Officially, the companies are only given advertising space. But at least one businessman confirmed to me that it was made clear that he could also expect favorable news coverage.

At the very least, it seems evident that Private Treaties set up a very serious conflict of interest, a point highlighted last year when the Indian stock market regulator, the Securities and Exchange Board of India, wrote a letter to the chairman of the Press Council expressing concern about the business practice.

Private Treaties are an example of the commodification of business news. But much of the recent attention in India has focused on paid political content. Over the past year or so, there have been a growing number of reports of politicians paying media houses for favorable coverage or to skirt restrictions on campaign financing.

P. Sainath, the rural affairs editor of The Hindu, a national newspaper, has been instrumental in drawing attention to such practices. In a series of articles on elections in Maharashtra State last year, Mr. Sainath listed specific prices for different kinds of articles.

For 400,000 rupees, he found, newspapers would publish the profile of a candidate as well as “four news items of your choice.” For 15 million rupees — ten times the amount a candidate in state assembly elections can legally spend on a campaign — politicians could buy a special supplement.

Such practices come in for particular condemnation in the Press Council report, which argues that paid political content is not only unethical, but also illegal.

Paying for political content involves three acts of deception, the report says, according to Mr. Guha-Thakurta. First, it deceives citizens and consumers, who are not aware that the “news” they are reading is in fact an advertisement. Second, it violates election spending laws. And finally, newspapers receiving payment from politicians are usually violating tax laws, given that the operations are clandestine.

More generally, the report argues that paid content “undermines Indian democracy” and it calls on the government to protect India’s democratic values and institutions. Notably, it recommends adding the purchase of content to the list of acts — including corruption and incitement to communal violence — that are already defined as “electoral malpractice” under Indian law.

Driving the prevalence of paid content are some of the forces to which I drew attention a few weeks ago: a growing infatuation in India with commerce and business, and the incursion of markets into virtually every aspect of private and public life.

In many respects, the advent of competition has been good for the media. According to a recent study, the Indian newspaper market is expected to grow at a compounded annual rate of 12.5 percent between 2009 and 2013, making it a rare bright spot in the otherwise dismal firmament of the global media industry.

But with this growth come new pressures, too. India has almost 70,000 registered newspapers and more than 450 television channels. It is perhaps unsurprising that some of these publishers have been tempted to experiment with new business models and to take shortcuts to profits.

Unsurprising — but for the country, and for the sake of its public life and democracy, deeply worrisome.

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Please return Nithyananda back to the world!








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Dear all those who are Devotees,followers, supporters and friends of swami ji

The way to get our swami BACK and BAILED is not to suffer thinking oh our swami is in jail and what not. i want to make this very CLEAR: I know if all of us who are with swami ji follow this YOU WILL GET SWAMI JI BACK i am doubtless. This is what needs to be done: you can look at this in the name of a technique.


1: FEEL YOUR FEELINGS OF SWAMI JI BEING BACK NOW, you know how you would feel you would be really happy and would be celebrating that, so celebrate that NOW!!
2:your words, your actions, your thoughts and your feeling should be that of swami ji has been bailed now.
3: The most important thing to know here is that your words like this, your actions like this are only needed if they are helping you feel and think deeply that swami ji is bailed now. The key here is to FEEL AND THINK in the way that you would knowing swami ji is BAILED now.

4: when you generate these types of thoughts and feelings you will see that the result is swami ji being back and out of jail.

Note: you know how to think, just think the way you would as if he is actually bailed

Be blissfull


Om Hreem Nithyanandaya namaha

please do post this on the blog site
thank you

- Devansh Joshi

Category: 5 comments

With deep gratitude

Swamiji has saved me from calamities in my life. I am in deep gratitude to him. His teachings and techniques are absolute truth. His teachings brought maturity to my life.

There are different kinds of knowledge available in schools and universities. The knowledge swami nityananda gives is not available anywhere.

The knowledge of life, the awakening to life, the method of living a conflict free life without compromising one's unique structure and various techniques and scripitures which were not available to us are revealed to us by a courageous and dignified master.

All calculations made out of jelousy will fail. That seems to be the law of the universe. After years of atrosities the british finally established schools and colleges which gave new hope and life. I thank the european traders who came and established the Courts, otherwise our Master would have been destroyed by the village head. Today we have the internet and advanced communications.

After years of depressed life style when someone is sharing knowledge let us learn with gratitude, for this knowledge is not logic and will not work in a logical manner. Today we need the teachings which he is giving us which is not available readily.

Suresh. Swamiji has saved me from calamities in my life. I am in deep gratitude to him. His teachings and techniques are absolute truth. His teachings brought maturity to my life.

There are different kinds of knowledge available in schools and universities. The knowledge swami nityananda gives is not available anywhere.

The knowledge of life, the awakening to life, the method of living a conflict free life without compromising one's unique structure and various techniques and scripitures which were not available to us are revealed to us by a courageous and dignified master.

All calculations made out of jelousy will fail. That seems to be the law of the universe. After years of atrosities the british finally established schools and colleges which gave new hope and life. I thank the european traders who came and established the Courts, otherwise our Master would have been destroyed by the village head. Today we have the internet and advanced communications.

After years of depressed life style when someone is sharing knowledge let us learn with gratitude, for this knowledge is not logic and will not work in a logical manner. Today we need the teachings which he is giving us which is not available readily.


Category: 0 comments

We need His support!

To The Master and for the Master

I dont know how to support Master Sri Paramhamsa Nithyananda. I can only feel good thinking he is beyond all this small situations which we are seeing. HE is lord SHIVA himself. so HE can well take care of himself. Probably we need his support at
this moment.

Namaha Shivay.

Pranab Sarkar

Category: 1 comments

Alone in the mountain

Blame words invade my sacred space
Pressing images upon my hesitant mind.
Casting seeds of fear, greed, doubt and lust.
Media is the power, “recorder of Truth”--
Judge, jury, executioner, undertaker,
Conscience keeper and moral inquisitor.

You did something shady they say,
Which makes you not what you are.
You deserve to be punished they say,
And quote some figures on police paper.
I do not think they will let up their attack
They are strong, determined and vicious.

Yet alone as you are, in the cold mountain
Many having deserted you at first light, so many..
Rush not to judgement, you said to us,
Be calm in your sacred space, be unclutched.
Bright and divine did shine your lamp
But a lurid storm sought its extinguishment.

What you did teach me, only I know inside
How to live, laugh, and feel free.
It matters not to me what they say you did
For you did never deceive me, and misled me not.
You showered me with light, lit up the path ahead
Does it matter the make or color of the lamp?

I take heart, my Guru for such are lessons
Existence sends us when She seeks our growth.
Part verily of that Causeless Auspiciousness
Endowing divinity into all universal truth.
Material powers are ranged against you
But they are shallow, and Grace will prevail.

Category: 0 comments

My beloved Swamiji


I am from Malaysia.And i was first introduced to swami through a healer nearby my residence.At first,when i was newly introduced,i have to admit i did'nt believe in all these.That was in 2008,when i was 14 years old.Then,i continously went there even when i did'nt know what i suppose to do when the healing is given.As months passed,my mom(a healer now) sent my siblings and i for the ASP programme.By then,i have learnt how to do the meditation and guru pooja.even during that time,i was doing that for the sake of my mom.She was very into swami and i did'nt want to hurt her feelings by going against her in this matter.So,i did whatever i'm suppose to do like attending satsang ,healings and mostly i really enjoyed listening to the songs.During the ASP,i knew that smthing is definitely going to change in me.I felt it but i was unsure what could it be.After the ASP,i still continued going for satsangs and healing.

Then,on the year 2009,when we met another friend of mom's who happened to be a healer as well.She invited us to join a satsang that was held at her place.that's when i really felt swami,i felt as though i was chosen for some reason that will change me totally.i cried there and i was speaking from my heart to him.And i even felt that he's listening.the miracles that happened in that moment is something that i can never forget.those miracles changed my life.I am a stubborn girl,hot -tempered,and am always by myself.suddenly,in a 2 hour session,something that i always though impossible to happen, happened on me!I could feel his presence.That's when all started!

At the end of Disember,my mom said that we're going to india with her friend &family.I was relucant to go because i had my examination results coming and i wanted to be there to take it.My mom did'nt force me,but,little did i know that ,anyhow ,i will be going.The trip to India was 25 days.And as expected,i went.I felt totally lucky because i did my first NSP in Salem!!!Imagine coming all the way from Malaysia and i get to spend four blissful days with swami in India!!.That NSP ment that it would be the fist time i'm seeing swamiji in person.He,the person who i always cry to,always speak to.Attending NSP changed me alot,in so many ways.Some changes which i notice and some that i did'nt notice.The four days experience is something that i could'nt put in words.Right after the NSP,my mom said that we are going for BSP as well!!!And this time,BSP is held in Bidadi Ashram itself!I was eager to go there and spend 9 days in ashram.9 beautiful days!!!In ashram,i had swami's darshan every morning.Even when we travelled from the hotel to ashram every day.

But we,never left the chance to get swami's blessing.I was living in heaven.I spoke to swami ,i got swami's darshan.and we also met the wonderful and always smiling ashramites.i love being with the ashramites as they were completely friendly,easy to talk to and they were just very nice to us.Everytime,during the break when BSP was held,I always ran to the temple and the banyan tree.I 'ld hug Dhakshinamoorthy and tell him that i'll come at the next break.I became a small child in that heavenly place,Bidadi Ashram!!During the morning break,i'ld run to the temple ,pray,sit down and stare at Anandeswarar & Anandeshwari.Then,i'ld visit the banyan tree and Dakshinamoorthy.This was how i was in Ashram for 9 beautiful days.I thought that after BSP,i won't be seeing anymore of swami.but,things happened otherwise,even the elders did'nt plan for it to happen.

It was the Pratyuksha Padha Pooja!!Which ment that i will be seeing swami again! and this time personally.I got very excited.My mom was quite worried b'coz she did'nt bring enough cash.She saved some for luggage purpose at the airport.And she did'nt want to touch it at all.Suddenly,out of the blue,she pulled out some cash with a smiling face.That cash was balance from her previous trip to the U.S. and there was no way that the money could be there.Surprisingly,the cash was just enough to pay for the Padha Pooja.Without delaying,she payed for the pooja.Then,my mom & us, together with a family friend did the pooja for swami.It was heavenly moment .We could feel the energy.After the pooja,swami called us one by one.When it was my turn,he turned and with a motherly smile he asked"what you want to say,ma?'I could feel my heart beat stopped.It was very hard to digest that swami is actually speaking to me personally.That's when a realisation came to me.That swami was actually listening to what i've been saying to him infront of his picture back in Malaysia.

At that time ,i remember asking him lots of questions and raised doubts about him infront of his picture thinking that he's not actually listening.But,when in India,everything he said in NSP and BSP,answered all my questions and doubts.
Thats when all that flashback came to my mind infront of swamiji who's sitting and smiling and waiting for my reply.But,nothing seem to come out of my throat.Without knowing,i just said' Thank you very much swamy'.Then.tears started pouring out.Swamy,like a mother who would calm her child ,hugged me.patted on my back and said 'Don't worry ,ma .I'm always with you".Thats when i felt smthing..something that is just too wonderful....its difficult to put it in words.Then swami gave me a handfull of chocolates.It was the best moments in my life.

Now,when i think back about all those experiences i had with swami in India.my tears start pouring b'coz the person who changed my life completely,is now in a place where he should'nt even be.I am just a very small part from those who have experienced wonders.All i could do is always pray for him to be released.How long can a master be abused?Now,in the millineum world where transformation is necessary,everybody,young or old,all are seeking for spirituality.I do believe that there is never an unanswered prayer.so,all i want to say is for those who is like me...the best thing we could do is atleast pray for him...pray for his release.We need our swami back!!!!Let those who can help him in other way do theirr part...for those like me ,lets pray....God will never turn us down!!!!Its time we do something to save our swami who have done alot..who have sacrificed his life just to save us..!!!nithyanandam....

Kaalushaa Bhaskaran

Category: 0 comments

The Human Mind to Judge


ONE OF MY FRIENDS ASKED ME, “Do You Support Nithyanandham?”












Category: 1 comments

Power of NOW! Urgent request to all!


NOW is the only option !!

Please let us all rise higher to realize that there is no such thing as time, no minutes, hours nor seconds in God's watch. There is no weekday nor weekends, nor any holidays, nor any dates in God's calendar. There is no such things as proceedings, legal laws, lawyers, rules nor regulations in God's court.

If this seems too Bhakti oriented, you would come to the very same conclusion if you took the Quantum Physics route as Einstein did. There is neither time nor location, nor distance, etc, etc ! Even Quantum Physics is a sweet ecstatic path of rich devotion cloaked in modern logic for intellectual and eventually intelligent minds !

So Please Everyone - let us not waste ourselves playing with small time logic and questioning the validity of this request and running here and there ! ( Remember even Ganesha won, because he chose to remain stationary and go around Shiva and Parvati three times, while Subramanya chose to ride the peacock and go around the world, when Shiva gave them both a test. This is the significance. Each of our puranaas are dripping with the nectar of absolute Truths.)

Even in this year's Shivaratri message in February, our Master has specifically instructed us to use the power of Now !

Let us all continuously pray and wish and visualize that

1. Master comes out of this as INNOCENT - NOW!
2. Let the most wonderful things happen to our Master NOW !
3. Whatever transformations are required for whoever, disciples, devotees, the masses, the world and all , let it happen NOW so that our Master comes out Now !

Even if this seems to hit your logic.. Just hold on to these three lines and please go beyond your logic and make this wish, please send these three thoughts out to the Existence. It will definitely Manifest Now!

Let us not use our small time logic to question. 'Oh it is weekend, it is holiday it is night, or let us not say, oh the hearing date is set for Wednesday, for next week, let us not say it should go through this process or that !

NO! - God's fantasy, God's logic is beyond everything our small mind can ever come up with.

PLEASE just use the absolute Truth - NOW ! If all of us continuously do it, it is possible NOW for our beloved Master to come out NOW !

Thank You
Nithyananda Devotee

Category: 0 comments

Don't lose Him once more!!!


Some words that have come to me after seeing the situation unfold and seeing the ways of some of the closest disciples ...

Wake Up!!
O Kindered souls, oh my brothers and sisters!
Though in different bodies, Remember, we are but one soul!

Remember, when we faltered, when we didn’t know the way
When our beings were crying out to be saved, from the many guilt’s
Which tried to destroy our thoughts by multiplying manifold
Remember the game of merry-go-round we played, not knowing
What we seemed to enjoy, was binding us ever more
To the cycle of life and death over and over more

Remember, when we were afraid to take a single step forward
The hand that held us, with all our diseased layers
The hand that accepted us the way we were without any judgement
The hand that held us to heal us of all our malaise

Remember the Being that showed us that darkness can be warm and loving
The being that taught us not to be scared of even Death
As it is nothing but melting into the loving arms of existential mother
The being that revealed the loving, forgiving healing face of mother
Who embraced all our sores of guilt, anger, jealousies and discontent

Who revealed the very mother in whose lap we found solace, peace and love
The one who took over our burdens with words, “I will take care”
Remember the effect of the simple assurance, the lightness of the being
Of having at last found our Guru, our Savior

Today, our Savior needs the support, from the ones that he saved
But we are letting our treacherous minds get the better of us
Why can’t we see the veil of maya clouding our judgement?
Why can’t we see existence testing our faith?
Why cannot we accept all that happens as “causeless auspiciousness”
Stop fighting with the world and our selves

Wake up, Oh kindered souls, Awaken!
Do not crucify the messiah, our savior once again!
Cause once the deed is done, you may not be able to undo
However much remorse the understanding may later bring
You may not be able to undo the cycle of karmas created

The generations which may loose out the light to show the way
Of which we were lucky enough to have had a glimpse
Cause, we were foolish enough to let our minds play the blame game
With the one who has given us all of himself, cause he cares

He has come to break the conditionings of the mind
He has come to remodel our concepts of life
Cause once we accept that everything that happens is existence’s will
And accept the same as such without reserve

Surrender to the will without resistance and jugdement
Only then we shall know the truth untold. open the door to transformation
With the grace of the guru, we shall merge
with the totality and the Beauty of Existence

Why are we letting our ego create the wedge of seperation
Cause at the end of the cosmic day, we are all One
Seeming to be different , with different body, mind organs
Know that once the body mind are cleansed
In the space of Nirvana, we are all one

Can we throw a stone at ourselves thinking it is the other
Know that it is the mind that judges and makes us the other
Think from the heart, feel from the heart, and you shall know the truth
The threads of connections joining us all

Do not break the delicate bonds forged so lovingly by you
Do not miss the grace of the enlightened master
Due to the blockages of ego
and due to the gyrations of the mind

The master is nothing but a Sea of Compassion, if you see
He is benevolent and forgiving and so full of grace
He is here only because of his compassion to bring us to ourselves
He is here to take us back to the source

Enough times we have listened to the mind and suffered jeevan mrityu chakra
Enough times we have missed the great masters like Krishna, Buddha and more
Wake up o Kindered souls!
Don’t loose him once more!!

Category: 1 comments

Mail to Hon'ble Justice; Plea to release Swamiji soon

Subject : Please release our Swamiji
Hon'ble Mr. Justice
Sir ,
I have benefitted immensely through Nithyananda Swamiji's teachings and meditation techniques.
Thousands around the globe have been healed mentally, physically and emotionally .
I haven't been harmed an iota by him.
We sincerely plead to you to release Swamiji from custody as we believe he is not a criminal.
Please sir , we plead and beg you to relase our Swamiji immeditately.
Thank you
Sincerely yours

shalini , working as software engineer in computer associates hyderabad , 7 yrs of s/w experience
sir , am a post graduate in informationtechnology,, and i here by wanna mail you to say that swamiji does
only good for the public,,, if you juz happen to see shiva sutras you tube videos , you urself will know it ...

kindly consider our request and release swamiji aasap...


Category: 0 comments

Living Enlightenment with Swamiji!

I am a Reiki and Past life Regression practitoner.I knew nothing about Swamiji before I decided to attend Swamiji's last NSP programme in Hyderabad.I was looking for some intensive meditation program in Hyderabad that I could attend.I searched on the net and happened to read about his program in the dhyanpeetham website.I registered immediately without any second thoughts and my experience was absolutely transformational.

I experienced some of the most wonderful meditation techniques designed beautifully and explained simply and sincerely by Swamiji.Words will fail to express the quality of spiritual experience I had in the NSP.During the Energy Darshan I asked for his help in pursuing the spiritual purpose of my life.He blessed me and that was the time I closely felt his energies;buzzing in my ears,love and peace bursting from my heart!I am unable to recount the experience!

Later I read his book "Living Enlightenment" which is a spiritual masterpiece in the sense it explains,in the simplest of terms,everything you need to know about spirituality.The technology and experience of Nithya Dhyan is unbeatable.You only have to practice it to feel the difference.In my own small network I have been talking about him,his message and his technology.

I am confident of my spiritual journey and am personally unfazed by the developments that have taken place and all that is being spoken about him.Possibly there is a higher spiritual purpose to the suffering that Swamiji and his disciples have had to go through. Perhaps it is part of a bigger cosmic plan which is not fully clear at the moment.I think with time the higher energies will balance out everything and Swamiji's mission will continue worldwide.Swamiji is a Master healer and I would like to take Healer's Initiation from him

Love and sunshine


Category: 0 comments

Ideas for effective action: Let us stand up for Nithyananda


Is it possible for someone in the Ashram to contact all the alleged people (actress, etc ) in the various videos.
Can they form a group and lead a peacefull rally of devotees in front of the High Court, the Government and the court in Ramanagaram.

Please call and request them.. Tell them about this plan.
If this is organized immediately - Announce it in a BIG WAY on the website the specific date and time. Please get a host of devotees from various places to also protect the rallying group and to maintain our own peace and order.

Please get the lawyers also to get some police protection for the rally because it will be in a peaceful way.

Second Option
Can all the alleged people in the video team up as a single group and make a VIDEO denouncing what is going on , the proceedings ANd put it up on the YOU TUBE ??
Can the group be arranged in a studio kind of setting - with maybe Rajiv Malhotra or like person helping and compering.

And also send the video to the judge and varios departments?
Can you please contact their lawyers and seek this action plan ? Please !

Third Option

Please call various influential devotees in Tamil Nadu, UK, Malaysia, US, Rajiv Malhotra and ask for suggestions of effective action plan.. If they can come down and produce a video each day for us to be put up on You Tube..?
Let us show our strength in peaceful and effective ways ?

The single team of the different ladies in those different videos can blissfull STAND UP and say boldly:

"YES, WE are the ladies in those different videos taken and shown unlawfully all around without our permission! Our Master is Father and Mother to us and He has not harmed us in anyway..no matter how you perceive it and no matter how the media is forcing you to percieve it !"

Thank You !

Thank You

Category: 0 comments

Please release Swamiji from custody soon

Registrar General,
High Court of Karnataka.

Please also look into bright side of our Guru Paramahamsa Nithyanda instead just concentrate on conspired immoral media report. Please find the link below for more information


Thank you.

Jagadish Nallappan

Category: 0 comments

Release Swamiji soon - This is violation of Human Rights!

Dear devotees of Paramhamsa Sri Nithyananda!

I have one proposal for you. It crossed my mind that, like we all know, in swamiji's case we can speak about violation of human rights –if he is beeing kept in prison for so long time without eny evidence of commiting something illegal? I think it could do no harm if you-asramities - contact United Nations – Department for Human Rights to get at least some advice what to do in the situation. If yourcountry signed any kind of convention about human rights, there are some legal ways on behalf of UN they can undertake.

With compassion and best wishes for you all,


EU, Slovenia

Category: 0 comments

Times of India: Bidadi Villagers Support Nithyananda

09 May 2010, Bangalore

What has the tainted self-styled godman, Swami Nityananda, got to do with the GP elections? Nothing one would say, until one realized the stark change in the stand of the
electorate at several gram panchayats at Bidadi under which the controversial seer’s Dhyanapeetam ashram falls. As polling began on Saturday, a number of villagers arrived at the booths and raised slogans in support of the swami just before voting. Earlier, the same villagers had raised nasty slogans and had torn his cutouts outside the ashram after his sexual misdemeanors were beamed on various television channels.

“We are least bothered about what he did in Tamil Nadu or elsewhere. But here he has lived like a true seer. We also don’t know what was his association with the actress (Ranjitha) but none of our women here had any complaints against him,’’ said Shekar Gowda, a supporter of candidate contesting Hithamadu gram panchayat.

(Original Newspaper Snapshot below)

Category: 5 comments


Every morning I awaken with an intentional thought of perfect peace and bliss.. The tone of my day is recorded in my bio memory as I intentionally think thoughts of ease of motion,vitality and effortless functioning. I witness my thoughts with growing awareness..seeing the beauty of my expanded perception. I remember the techniques that render me at the will of God as "choicelessness (Viaragya)" automatically puts me in the driver's seat. Patanjali is my co-pilot in my amazing life as it unfurls in wave after wave of pure experience...no resistance. I am simply allowing the long spaces of pure consciousness to rock me through this life. I watch with curiosity as my small self sometimes slips into a complaining mode because of some external circumstance. I immediately "unclutch" into Vidurka or "right reasoning." I know when I slip into Codurka (or wrong reasoning ) because you, Nithyananda have taught me to "see deeply within my Self."
Every darshan,every note that I have taken (even though you said don't take notes!) ,every line in your eloquently written books of knowledge,every discourse on U-tube has carried me to this most auspicious point in time where I float in the arms of existence...observing yet not attached to the outcomes in my life.
I walk with an imaginary Sannyas stick with a little piece of paper at the top that says another Sanskrit word you have taught me.."UDASEEN" which means "come what may...."
I love this slice of life... I am no longer in control...I allow the universe to guide my destiny.
It's a safety and sweetness of life that I never experienced when being a stressed out micro manager.
I am living and breathing the DHARMA ...Right action....and living the consequences of my actions with grace and humility.
I realize that life puts you just exactly where you need to be to create the causes and conditions for your own evolution as well as that of the planet. Sometimes life can be observed and judged as pleasant or painful or not judged at all. I choose the latter.
The Course in Miracles states" in my defenseless my safety lies.." I am at ease in my defenseless,and in-JOY the drama of life unfolding.
Thank you my Master and teacher. I have learned how to navigate the universe thanks to your guidance.Vidurka (right reasoning), Vichara (contemplation from the mode of choicelessness) has lead to pure awareness and a blissful flowering in my non-judging non blaming soul.
You have given me more that I ever felt was possible... the practice that radiates enlightenment. How many Gurus on the planet can relish such success?
I am eternally indebted to you and will continue to radiate this truth every day of my life. As a school administrator in the US, I will transmit this pure knowledge of Patangali's Yoga Sutras, the Shiva Sutras and your greatest book "Living Enlightenment" to my students, parents and teachers as well.
I don't always understand the circumstantial reactivity of forces beyond my control,like the media,and those eager to produce sensationalistic "sleazy news." They have their place in the grand scheme of things.
One time while sitting in the dining hall at the ashram outside Bangalore, I observed your picture lift up into the air, project itself over objects on the table, and land on the floor...the frame cracking into many slivers...IT was a shock..how it happened, so unsuspected..so seemingly disastrous...yet I realized that I needed to Re-frame my relationship with you.
I knew that this was a sign or portent of some kind. I now realize that you are not in a frame at all..it's gone and what is left is just me....on my own...living and radiating the truth of what I have internalized from you.
Thank you my dear master
I continue to IN JOY the lila (play) of existence as it uses me and you in this topsy turfy drama of Life.
It's not the OUTCOME that matters ..it's the INCOME that counts!
And after witnessing the thousands of people that you have healed,influenced with your teachings,and unselfishly given your wealth of knowledge,our INCOME has been miraculous!! We are breathing that MILLION AIR of pure enlightened bliss!
The wisdom,the compassion, the shakti (energy of the life force) are alive and well in me!
Thanks to you my dear teacher and guru...The mission and meaning of the word Guru is "to lead out of the darkness." and for me as well as thousands of others you have done just that.
Deborah Chance
Ma Nithya Jeevita

Category: 5 comments

Let's act immediately!

Dear Friends,
I found this contact info on the web.
Registrar General,
High Court of Karnataka,
High Court Buildings,
Opp. to Vidhana Saudha, Ambedkar Veedhi,
Bangalore-560 001.
Phone: +(91)-(80)-22954778
Email-id: rghck.kar@nic.in
If we all feel so strongly about this issue, we have to SHOW IT.
Pleeeeeeeeeease lets all send out a short email to -
Subject : Please release our Swamiji
Hon'ble Mr. Justice
Sir ,
I have benefitted immensely through Nithyananda Swamiji's teachings and meditation techniques.
Thousands around the globe have been healed mentally, physically and emotionally .
I haven't been harmed an iota by him.
We sincerely plead to you to release Swamiji from custody as we believe he is not a criminal.
Please sir , we plead and beg you to relase our Swamiji immeditately.
Thank you
Sincerely yours
Please draft this email NOW ( feel free to add anything else) . It only takes few minutes of your time.
Dont forget to title your email....PLEASE RELEASE SWAMIJI FROM CUSTODY....
In Nithyananda

Category: 9 comments

Action needed to protect Swamiji

Swamiji need to be protected from vultures

I am feeling helpless after understanding what's going on around Swamiji.
We devotees need to counter forces against Swamiji,
Some useless idiots, making false allegations and utter lies on Swamiji.

I really believe, we (well wishers of Swamiji) must team up and counter forces against Swamiji.
Any lawyers here, who can guide us on how devotees can legally can team up & take some action to protect their GURU.
I don't mind putting some efforts & funds on possibility of taking some action to protect Swamiji in any way.

Please every one, we need to come together and look for options to protect Swamiji now & in future.


Category: 0 comments

We will make a rennaisance

Hi Ncourage team

I do not see any action. Get Ram Jethmalani into the scene. we are here to help out . We want our Swamiji out. When there are so many crooks making 32 crores in a day . What is wrong with our ashram having 32crores with 20 million devotees. We have all donated and will continue to do so. We need only 100 dedicated people we can bring about a renaisance. That is not the problem we want our Swamiji out . This is atrocoiuos there are stories and stories with no basis whatsoever. There are dogs barking everywhere, will it really affect the elephant -never.
It is no good just being a good godly human being --what is the use if we cant stand for our Guru. Then what can we stand for. We are sure we will succeed . Each and every devotee will pitch in .

Dr Abhaya kumar


Category: 0 comments

I pray for your early release

Dear Swamiji
I am not your disciple.After seeing you in TV only I sarted readinf some of your videos,writings etc. I was really amazed to know your depth of knowledge in all the fields.I personally feel,nobody should entertain any body from cine field.Why your disciples are not doing any satyagraha of Gandhi type.
Swamiji, atleast hereafter you be the sympathyser or supporter of any political party like BJP,Congress or RSS,so that some one voice your case in parliament.Lenin karuppan may be instigated by christians.Please check.
Swamiji please do not think Iam advising you.When I am begging your divinity to cure my keloid,how can I advice you?These are all only suggestions which any body can say.I pray my Master to help you for your early release.
With respect and love

Category: 0 comments

Feelings for Swamiji


I Miss Swamiji terribly I watch the discourses on youtube over and over again and read life solutions again .I read the Bangalore mirror news but I just dont understand why Swamiji is in Jail I don't get it he didn't do any thing wrong in my eyes the laws in India has very strange laws to put someone in jail there is no substantial evidence against him this is an ordeal beyond belief.I center myself and meditate and I feel his presents he is always with me and I with him he is my Guru. Help me understand what is going on is it political ? is it blackmail? is is vengeance ? what the heck is it ?this makes me upset how could anyone do this to Swamiji ? I cant fathom Swamiji doing anything they say he has done !!! I will wait and stand by him I will wait ,I will wait .......I miss his Face and radiating bliss....I pray for vitarka ....I pray for eternal bliss in the world....I pray for Swamiji.

In Nithyananda

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