Write in your experience

Thank you for your continued support & contribution to this blog. This material is helping us build a comprehensive case portfolio that can be presented to the press, on TV, etc,. to garner public support for our cause! It is great to see the overwhelming positive responses and flood of emails in support of Nithyananda. If you want to post on this blog, share your blissful experiences by writing in to: Ncourage1000@gmail.com


In Swamiji we trust

Brothers & Sisters, this is the time to stand as one, as one Nithyananda family unit. It is so endearing to see the Nithyananda family across the globe stand together in this critical time. My heart goes out to all who are hurting from the course of recent events. The support, love, and undying trust is the greatest thing to see at this time...and truly depicts that world peace is indeed happening.

As a youth, growing up in the harsh streets of Los Angeles, it was very difficult to juggle between two cultures, which was such a critical part of my life. And to visibly see racism, prejudice, violence, and hate happen before my eyes, the Indian culture was slowly fading from my being. Too long have I felt disconnected and alien.

Everything changed for me the moment I met Swamiji. In one sighting, it was evident to me that He is the answer to not just me, but the World at large. He has taught me that we are all unique and our culture is something we discover on our own. It is not merely something we inherit because we are born into a family. This was a tremendous "click" for me and has completely changed my life.

I am only too proud to see the young Swamiji stand for the Vedic culture and reveal that there is -still- good in this world and that we -too-can be a part of it. It is not merely something we read from ancient books or the hearsay we get from our elders. No. He has effortlessly shown us that change is something revolutionary and something even we can take part in. Young or old, He not only connects with one, but helps us connect with each other and appreciate each other as humans and respect humankind. It is this love and this love alone that can save our world.

He taught us the meditation practice of Nithya Dhyaan. Nithya Dhyaan, which has helped us work on ourselves from inside out. Nithya Dhyaan, which has helped us realize where we are blocked. Nithya Dhyaan, which has stopped the restlessness inside us and given us the calm and clarity we so longingly seek. I thank my Swamiji for all His teachings and the knowledge He has imparted. I thank Swamiji for giving me the profound experiences and introducing me to the spiritual path of righteousness and truth.

He often tells us very casually to "simply be good." Like this, Swamiji has taught us so many life lessons, including standing for the truth and to be who we are. He's always taught us that our true nature is bliss. For a man who radiates nothing but positivity, bliss, and unconditional love and whose only mission is to ignite Jeevan Mukthi (living enlightenment) to the world at large - this scandal is mere dust. I dont believe for a second that Swamiji is capable, nor guilty of such preposterous charges. Unfortunately, there are some jealous people in this world who cannot tolerate others being happy and well...who are not able to tolerate the glory of others, and who they think they can step on others to rise up. Guess what? It does not work that way.

They can try all they want. But, the power of love and the power of goodness will prevail. We will continue to stand by our guru with all our hearts and souls.

In Swamiji we trust!


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