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Nithyananda's words have transformed my life!

To whoever it may concern,

Let me a take oath before writing this letter that I am true to my being and let me be honest and integrated, atleast for sure while I am typing this mail without any bias.

I have seen ALL videos in youtube from lifeblissfoundation channel and dhayanpeetamtn channel, till date, I have listened 18 chapters of gita commentry fully by Nithyananda in English and listened to few DVDs which I had bought. As these were giving me many life solutions and made me understand many insights about life and world, I had bought an mp3 player specifically to listen to these.

I do not want to comment on the scandal video is true or on Nithyananda and other stuff.

But one thing I am clear, the words which Nithyananda spoke has transformed me to a lot.

I can qoute may be atleast 50 statements from Nithyananda without any effort which I used to contemplate for days and weeks.I remember as it was uttered by him. Here are few of them.

1. "You just an emptiness, because anything crosses your inner space does not stay inside"

2. "What do you have to surrender except the body filled with disease and mind filled with depression, nothing'

3. "You are just a one more wave in the cosmic ocean"

4. "I and mine pure lies"

5. "Short life is dream, long dream s life, the very concept of time itself is an illusion"

6. "You are part of the cosmic nature/. Let them all sit together, u just get out"

7. "Cosmos is not a sadist"

etc etc.

Thank you

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