Write in your experience

Thank you for your continued support & contribution to this blog. This material is helping us build a comprehensive case portfolio that can be presented to the press, on TV, etc,. to garner public support for our cause! It is great to see the overwhelming positive responses and flood of emails in support of Nithyananda. If you want to post on this blog, share your blissful experiences by writing in to: Ncourage1000@gmail.com


Swami Nithyananda - The guru of our times

Swamiji is an avatar who has come to the rescue us from the clutches of karma.Those who have surrendered to him
are the most gifted people in the whole world.The recent issue in no way affected me.Because it is all His Holy Leela.We can
learn so many lessons at these times if we are open to Him.He guides us each moment towards Enlightenment.All we have to do is just BE OPEN and allow Him to work on us.JUST SURRENDER.Whatever is happening is for the good of us.Let us all stand together.Let us all hold hands.Till this time we are all a family and let us unite and hold hands.Let us LIVE His teachings which are
very very practical.Let us RADIATE OUR MASTER.Let us RADIATE ENLIGHTENMENT..
In Nithyananda


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