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Everything is Shiva, auspiciousness!

Dear Friends,

When I came to know that Master Nithyananda has been arrested, at one point I was sad that people and media have misunderstood him. They are doing the same mistake which people did 2000 years ago with Jesus. Jesus was crucified on cross. Today people are crucifying Master Nithyananda on internet, media, defamation, allegations, and false reports. Jesus was killed by weapon, nails, and spear. Today Master Nithyananda is being assaulted with weapons of pen, internet, and media. During the Jesus time, the physical force was to destroy the Master. Today, psychological force is being used to destroy Master Nithyananda.

We are infact witnessing the crucifix-cation again, only thing is Jesus is replaced by Master Nithyananda, Spear, nails and cross is replaced by pen, internet, and media. The physical torture is replaced by psychological torture.

It is so sad, that even after 2000 years people have not learnt to respect Enlightened Beings. I felt as if I am watching the history repeat itself. Jesus came alive after 3 days of his crucifixion. I can see that Master Nithyananda is going to come out victoriously after all this.

I am saying this out of my own experience. I am not part of Nithyananda Sangha or organization. But I know, they are doing a wonderful job of reviving vedic tradition which is very important in today's life. Everyone, has his or her own karma in this life. But because of meeting Master Nithyananda I was able to understand Shivarudrabalayogi, Ma Karunamayi, Ammachi, Osho, Eckhart Tolle, Krishnamurthi, and other Enligthened Masters. I was able to understand meaning of rituals, meaning of mantras, meaning of how mind works. I follow his teachings and I can say that if you follow them, transformation is bound to happen.

My inner space is not disturbed by all these allegations. I feel sorry for the people who are doing all these nonsense. Instead if they spend that energy working on themselves, they will be liberated from their miseries.

I remember Master Nithyananda saying in one of the programs which I attended, " Go and learn from different Masters, collect all the beautiful flowers from different Gardens and make a beautiful bouquet for yourself." He never insisted on forcing people to join him. Although I was hellbent on joining the organization. He just said, "Unclutch,". He led me to other Masters. All I am saying is that Master Nithyananda knows what is good for whom. He exactly gives what your being needs and not what your ego needs. I dont know who my Master is? But now I dont care. I can say this, Master Nithyananda's teaching has helped me to stand up on my feet, think on my own feet, make decisions on my own feet, and not seek a Master from outside. He has taught me to look within and seek for direction from within. I will be eternally grateful for this beautiful gift which he has given me. Master Nithyananda has taught me to bless everything in life as auspiciousness.

In Nithyanandam

Vetrichelvan J

(Nithya Amareshan)



techxp said...

You just expressed word to word as I felt

Unknown said...

Well said I to felt the same as you about Jesus and Swamiji .... "crucifix-cation again, only thing is Jesus is replaced by Master Nithyananda, Spear, nails and cross is replaced by pen, internet, and media. The physical torture is replaced by psychological torture."
I pray the torture will end ..We can keep unclutched, centered, blissful in the light of our master Our GURU ....everything is auspicious.
In Nithyanandam

Unknown said...

U r right, i feel the same.

Atma said...

thanks for ur explanation ,now my mind be very cleared

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