Write in your experience

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Forever grateful - Gift from the divine!

All I can say about Swamiji is that when I intensely asked God for a sign..Swamiji came into my life immediately! I can't share my personal transformation in words because it has been experiences beyond the explanations. Before Swamiji came into my life I was confused about life and death and the purpose of it all? After receiving a gift in return of my prayers..not did I only come to clear understating about Life and Death but other dimensions of my being that i never thought even existed. Its very clear to me why this is happening..I don't need to watch the video etc. Swamiji is great gift to human beings on planet earth who is teaching us that we are the great beings with the hidden potential that once awakened can end all sufferings and show us the experience of different dimensions of our beings. All that I am saying would made no sense to me before..but now no body can tell me what I experience isn't real..if I have been sure about anything in life it's this!! I encourage everyone to learn and benefit from Swamiji..because we are all Saints within.

Forever Grateful to you with love and respect!

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