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My experiences with Paramahamsa Nithyananda

I have been an ardent spiritual seeker since the age of 17years, (currently 40), and have met few masters and have had wonderful spiritual experiences, prior to meeting Swamiji.
The spiritual power, boldness and effectiveness of Swamiji's technique is unparalleled in my experience. By his grace i have been able to experience the awakening of Kundalini and the ultimate spiritual experience of kundalini meeting the Shastrahara (pineal) - peak of pleasure - fulfillment. This happened to me during my visit to Bidadi ashram during July 2008. I have experience the intense energy field at the Banyan tree in the ashram.
In some more programs that i have attended with Swamiji, He has made me go thru various experiences, there by greatly reducing the effect of fear and greed in the life style.
I am troubled by the fact he is being assigned a label of 'Phony Guru' which i can boldly assert he is not, he is a 'Sidhha Purusha' at the minimum.
Pragnesh Ray
Vadaodara, Gujarat.


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