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Swami Nithyananda: The perfect guide

Swami..The Perfect Guide

Swami Thou art my family's sole caretaker,
Ever since then our home is God's abode.
Countless are the moments we have spent together,
Basking in total bliss and harmony.

You have always nurtured and guided us,
however indiscipline we have been.
through life's turbulence we have sailed smoothly,
without a trace..through your grace.

Our daddy You are..no doubt,
As You are the pillar of strength and support.
At this moment when everything is a amiss,
You mean even more to us,
Because you are all we have got.

Come whatever may,
My Lord will emerge..shining even brighter than before.
Resonating the whole universe,
You will be exemplified forever!

Ma Nithya ekaanta


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