Write in your experience

Thank you for your continued support & contribution to this blog. This material is helping us build a comprehensive case portfolio that can be presented to the press, on TV, etc,. to garner public support for our cause! It is great to see the overwhelming positive responses and flood of emails in support of Nithyananda. If you want to post on this blog, share your blissful experiences by writing in to: Ncourage1000@gmail.com


My life has changed forever

I am Ma Ananda Chandravimalaa. I am a professional with a Master’s in Counselling Psychology and my undergrad is in Child and Youth. I just spent 3months living at the Bidadi ashram taking the Life Bliss Engineering course. There were over 100 intelligent people at that course and I can tell with sincerity that the allegations and video are not true. There was never any inappropriate behavior by Nithyananda toward us or the ashramites that we lived with while we were there. The love and compassion of Swamiji and the transformations that happened for us all have many of us returning to volunteer as well as some that have applied to become ashramites.

Nithyananda speaks the truth and is making a lot of changes in India and in the world. Those changes can cause chaos for some and feel loss of control and fear so they join forces with the media to try and bring down the positive changes that are happening in the world.

I can only say my truth and that Swamiji have changed my life forever. The teachings and meditations have transformed me beyond my expectations. Nithyananda is standing up and speaking truth. He is moving forward on his Mission and will not let these negative forces make a change in that Mission. It is time that we all make that stand as well and stop these negative forces taking over our life.

I ask you to look within your heart. If you have been blessed to be in his presence, listened to his discourses, read about his Mission and what he has accomplished; then you too will know the truth.

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