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Time for Nithyananda!

Hello all,
I'd like to kick in a few comments ... I have heard the story about Ramakrishna Mission years but didn't feel it collides with the wanderings, because Swami has spoken about spending extended time in monasteries during his travels. I just figured Ramakrishna Mission was part of the picture.
In any case remember that one person's "reliable witness" can be another person's paid shill.
Now about the birth date. My close friend Monica who is a professional western astrologer, met Swami during his first Seattle visit in 2005 and asked him playfully for his birth data. Swami agreed to give, but said "It's not what they think... I was there and what I remember is different than what the official astrologer says." Monica of course said she wanted the info he had, and got it. So what she has is a birth chart that's a few hours different from the Jan 1 1978 birth time. SwamiJi completely allowed her to cast it, no kutarka involved.
I've seen the chart, and I can tell you it fits him completely. So if he was born at some other time, he has assumed the patterns of this chart when he assumed the birthdate. Further, I can say that the existing chart is amazing in its coinciding with world planetary transits over the next few years.
Now Enlightened Masters aren't controlled by planetary patterns ... but I believe they do interact with them in order to shift the energy. That's what shows up on this birth chart of his. In fact last summer a professional astrology magazine published a cover showing a certain upcoming pattern. I saw it as I was going through the checkstand at the grocery and I thought, "Holy Cow! That's SwamiJi's chart!"
So we're beyond "truth" and "facts" here. It's very clear that Swami is a world player on a serious field, just as he has said he is... and the planetary fall-out has now begun. t's not going to stop with him, it will affect us all, including global energy, finances and politics. So buckle your belt and prepare for a really wild, rocky ride: it's going to be a doozy! Intensity!!!
To all of us who are feeling concerned, doubting, worried, upset..... Here are those negative thoughts, lined up like the Kaurava Army waiting to mow us over. Are we going to collapse like Arjuna and throw down our weapons, and let our Unarmed Charioteer take all the punishment?
Chalo, people!!! Time to pick ourselves up and continue the work of raising world consciousness. Remember, the opposition wantsus to doubt and be scared and throw up our hands. It makes their job easier. Don't help them defeat us, :)
Remember above all that film is the ultimate deception. A great deal was written about this when film was first invented.... unfortunately it's been buried and most of the world now believes that what a camera records must be "true". This has led to a great number of innocent people being convicted unfairly. I don't have access to the science at the moment but will do my best to research it. Probably not till I get back to Seattle on March 18... at the moment I'm working out of an internet cafe in Haridwar, where I'm attending Kumbha Mela with Ma Munivati.
Film is the ultimate lie because it deceives the senses into accepting events that never happened.
Sending love and encouragement to all of you! We Shall Overcome!
in Nithyananda

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