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I am proud to be Swamiji's disciple

I attended Kalpataru and NSP recently and all I can say is I returned a happier man. Here is a man whom Im proud to be associated with. if you want to see the difference between an enlightened and a non enlightened being, all you have to do is see Paramahamsa Nithyananda at least once and I promise it will change your life. It will be a real bonus you can give your self. I got meditative experience I can never forget (that UNCLUTCHED STATE) and Now I know how to get to that state on my own. I repeat on MY OWN. I saw the restless mind state and the seperation from it.

For the Nithya Spurana program, I visited India for 3 weeks and during my free time I had the chance to see some tv channels. some thing strange I saw there, entertainment channels have become bhakti channels..., in other words Im seeing Paramahamsa Nithyananda discourses dominating other programs of these channels. Actualy people have become more spiritual by all indications. In one of the discourses Paramahamsa Nithyananda says 'Entertainment is the worst conspiracy against Humans'. what followed in that discourse... Well must have pissed off these idiotic entertainment channels.
This is what is bugging most channels of india today, that Spirituality and Paramahamsa Nithyananda are dominating their primetime programs and also eating away their profits. And so they conspired.....

They are going after Paramahamsa Nithyananda of all people.. HA HA HA .. in a way it is a good thing(I wish everybody goes after him).. These channels might get ENLIGHTENED.

Now What happens...you must know by now.....
I can tell you in advance..... More and more people will know Paramahamsa Nithyananda Now and be in the PRESENT MOMENT.

That will be a real bonus...




1 comment:

Lora G. said...

Your post is the first time I've laughed at the situation, since this all began.
Nithyananda has also changed my life for the better. Last fall when he was in the US, I attended every program that I could with him and anyone who has been in his presence knows that he is like no other.

I too am with you Swamiji and I stand with other devotees in support and our love for you.
Lora G.

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