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With love to Swamiji

Beloved Swamiji ,

What has happened has happened . Because I really love and care for You, I wish to say from now let the mission be low profile and let it happen only around You ,and that too ,on its own accord . I always wanted to say this but did not have the courage . Ashrams don’t need crisis management because crisis are not supposed to touch ashrams because they are places of utter simplicity untouched by legal matters , politics , too much marketing , money and power games .

All this has happened because of the intelligence and compassion of Cosmos , so that everything can start afresh beautifully for the great 2012 . God created us and gave us little intelligence and so I can imagine His vast intelligence because He is infinite . God is aware and so conscious everywhere and in everything and He responds immediately . If one burns an oil lamp and it lights , it means God has responded . When God responds with consistency /uniformly it is a law (which He has created ) and when He responds inconsistently, it is a miracle . (like Shirdi Sai Baba burning lamps with water ).

I was also thinking there are two ways of getting God’s Grace – intensity and sincerity . Intensity is like asking Grace from God and when it comes to sincerity and genuiness, God By Himself gives and showers Grace . This is the understanding I received and wanted to share with You . Love You always and forever .Swamiji ,please take care and be happy for it is going to be a new chapter and a bright and golden future .

- Nithya Pujitha


1 comment:

m.kotteeswaran said...

swamiji take care our health.we are in u.

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