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In support of Paramahamsa Nithyananda

After a quarter century long search for Truth or a medium to get me to the
Truth, I had the good fortune of meeting Swamiji on 13th September 2009. I
can say that was a turning point in my life, which was characterized until
then with a relentless feeling of being alone and unloved. One touch by
Swamiji during the energy darshan seems to have completely erased the deep
despair I had carried in my heart all my life and opened up a space I didn't
know existed within me. That was the moment of experiencing what I had only
intellectually known: "That you are enough unto yourself, you are already
and always whole and complete". That one single blessing from the Master
opened up for me a new hope and renewed motivation to live, as opposed to
constantly feeling burdened by life. A weight had lifted and everything
seemed worthy. I had the privilege and good fortune of attending the 21-day
Inner Awakening program in December 2009 at the Bidadi Ashram. The takeaways
from this unique and only of its kind program are way too many to describe
here, but one thing stood out for every single participant: That this is not
an extraordinary human, rather a divine being beyond the comprehension of
the limited human logic. The boundless compassion and endless energy to
reach out to every soul unconditionally is beyond any human capability. My
little human mind often wondered what's in it for Him, and why does He care
so much for any one of us. While for all of us mortals divinity is mostly a
concept but the body is a gross truth, for Him, the body is incidental to
His all-pervading divinity, just a tool to carry on his mission of raising
the human consciousness on planet earth. I do sincerely believe that if I
could ever get a taste or glimpse of what we all conceive as God, I saw and
experienced THAT in Swamiji. If at all He has to be judged, lets judge Him
for the inconceivable transfromations He has brought about in the lives of
millions like me, through His writings, discourses and His mere presence and

I attribute to Swamiji's teachings and blessings the way I have been able to
attend to and handle calls and queries from devotees and workshop
participants in the wake of this crisis, and never cease to be amazed at the
power of His Mahavakya: UNCLUTCH J

In Nithyanandam,

Sujata Potay

Psychotherapist and Trainer,

Hyderabad, India.


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