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Thank you for your continued support & contribution to this blog. This material is helping us build a comprehensive case portfolio that can be presented to the press, on TV, etc,. to garner public support for our cause! It is great to see the overwhelming positive responses and flood of emails in support of Nithyananda. If you want to post on this blog, share your blissful experiences by writing in to: Ncourage1000@gmail.com


Letter of Support to Swamiji


ramahamsa Nithyananda has changed my life greatly in many ways. Having met Him in person, feeling His energy and having my life change so radically since He came into my life, I have no doubts about the divinity and purity of my Master, and I can feel nothing but gratitude and reverence for Him, yes, even in the face of such silly allegations.

History has records of so many such precious gems being thrown into the mud of slander and disrespect by very self seeking individuals of very base frequencies. This is no exception, and it would take a very insensitive person indeed to not be able to sense the negativity and selfishness behind the motives and intentions of the media and individuals involved, as opposed to His purity and what He has done for me and countless others.

No question of who's side I am on despite what fabrications or justifications they come with. For it does not come from the space of the Heart, and knowingly or not, they are trapped in a recurring self-destructive pattern that I am more than relieved to have gotton myself out of, thanks to Him.

We will rise out of the muck of this suffering as a collective consciousness. All it takes is for us to hold on to the precious gift of passive awareness and bliss He has taught us, and fan the flames of Love and Bliss so strongly that all will melt and be freed by our Presence. We are the testaments to His mission on Earth.

Love always,
(And in Nithya Ananda)
Nithya Priyan


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