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My dear Nithyananda

Greetings Everyone,

I came to know about Swamiji back in 2007 after the death of my father. But my faith in him solidified in me in January 2010 when I wound up in the emergency room at a local hospital after suffering a very bad asthma attack. To this day I believe that Swamiji saved me. I know that Swamiji was my Master when every day for an entire week, I would wake up hearing "OM HREEM NITHYANANDAYA NAMAHA" in my ears.

In late Jaunary of this year, one of Swamiji's Archaryas came to Toronto to give a public discourse. I could feel Swamiji's presence in the room and I had a very strong physical reaction. Since that evening, I have been happy to say that Swamiji has been by my side. Like a child, I've taken my first very shaky steps, but already the teachings and techniques I have learned so far have been helpful to me in so many ways.

Sadly, I am not surprised that these media attacks have occurred. Great spiritual leaders have faced all kinds of scandals--some have even been killed. So what we're seeing here isn't unusual. I for one used to work in media circles (radio) and I know that scandals always make "good news", if not, there would be nothing to talk about. In this case, the media has behaved very irresponsibly--this is not even journalism in my humble opinion.

However, these journalists are not monsters, they are just supplying the public's need for "junk food" news and they are human beings just like us. I forgive them for airing that video tape, but I hope that when everything is cleared up, they will do the right thing and apologize to Swamiji.

Swamiji, I humbly bow down to you and I support you no matter what. I am your humble servant.

Toronto, Canada


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