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Nithyananda Ashram us the safest place

History is repeating itself. we have read that an avatar will always have the negative forces to pick on anything and everything around Him. This being the age of materialism the negative forces have money power which they feel can make them overpower any thing divine. I have been an ashramite for the past two years and I can say these two years have been the best years in my whole life. The ashram is the safest place and who else but the the Master can treat each one of us with the utmost care. Not once have any of us the brahmacaris and brahmacarinis felt any misgiving. There was absolute truth in each one of us and we all stand testimony to the fact and truth that there is no other place more safe and disciplined than our ashram. Only those of us who have been there can stand for the truth. Please understand we have no vested interest we just want the truth to surface for everyone's clarity. Swami has been more than a father and mother to each one of the brahmacari and brahmacarini and among everyone of us the relationship has been the healthiest according to any worldly standard.
I am a vanaprasthi and have been with the brahmacaris and brahmacarinis for quite a long time and i can vouch and say they are really a models that the world can very well follow instead of getting exposed and influenced by these yellow magazines and media which is to acting like the moral policemen. The spiritual strength that Swami gave can never be assimmilated by all of us unless there has been a rigorous discipline in our way of life. I am sure many who the sanatana way of life will relate to what i am saying. Please stop seeing or listening to such unheard of abuses about a Sadguru and His holy mission.

In Nithyananda,
ma ananda punidavathix


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