Write in your experience

Thank you for your continued support & contribution to this blog. This material is helping us build a comprehensive case portfolio that can be presented to the press, on TV, etc,. to garner public support for our cause! It is great to see the overwhelming positive responses and flood of emails in support of Nithyananda. If you want to post on this blog, share your blissful experiences by writing in to: Ncourage1000@gmail.com


We stand by Swamiji

All of us are standing by Swamiji, the ashram and his Mission. We are so happy to hear from you as we were concerned only about the safety of Swamiji and the people at the ashram.
I know I am far away, but if there is anything that I can do, please do not hesitate to ask.
All Swamiji has ever shown is deep love and compassion to us. He has transformed our life and now it is time to put his teachings into practice.
We are in constant prayer and busy stomping on the bones!!

- Lori


Arti Agarwal said...

We love Swamiji because he has brought us from darkness to light and no number of defamations can undo the good he has done in our lives.
Nithyanandam !

Unknown said...

Throughout the ages, all great masters who have walked this planet, have had to face the forces of darkness and ignorance. This sadly continues to this day.

Paramahansa Nithyananda, for me is god, guru, friend, mother, master and lord....No one can or will be able to take that away from me...no amount of negativity from the so called civilized society can destroy what he is, what he stands for and his mission. For, the essence of his purpose here is our personal transformation and I believe that the transformation is happening and will go on irrespective of what is happening. My being wells up with gratitude for the master who has to take so much persecution for us, to help us live and radiate enlightenment.

In the past few months that I have been graced by his touch, my life has been transformed from one with a predominantly negative undertone, to a one that brims with positivity, awareness and bliss. Swami ji taught me with utmost simplicity that life is indeed beautiful and that I am not separate from existence.....This has brought tremendous lightness in me and has positively changed the way I look at everything and everyone in life.....There is not one moment in my day when he is not in my being.....Swamiji healed me completely of degenerative disc disorder - I used to suffer from unimaginable pain and no treatments seemed to be working. Swamiji's one look and touch did the job!! No amount of gratitude I feel is enough for the master who has been so much, given so much for me....an embodiment of pure compassion and love beyond this world....

I have made a conscious decision to radiate his teachings....I will live by what he has taught me. I am positive that his mission will go on......no amount of logic can make me believe otherwise.....My humble obeisance at the lotus feet of the master.

Unknown said...

Throughout the ages, all great masters who have walked this planet, have had to face the forces of darkness and ignorance. This sadly continues to this day.

Paramahansa Nithyananda, for me is god, guru, friend, mother, master and lord....No one can or will be able to take that away from me...no amount of negativity from the so called civilized society can destroy what he is, what he stands for and his mission. For, the essence of his purpose here is our personal transformation and I believe that the transformation is happening and will go on irrespective of what is happening. My being wells up with gratitude for the master who has to take so much persecution for us, to help us live and radiate enlightenment.

In the past few months that I have been graced by his touch, my life has been transformed from one with a predominantly negative undertone, to a one that brims with positivity, awareness and bliss. Swami ji taught me with utmost simplicity that life is indeed beautiful and that I am not separate from existence.....This has brought tremendous lightness in me and has positively changed the way I look at everything and everyone in life.....There is not one moment in my day when he is not in my being.....Swamiji healed me completely of degenerative disc disorder - I used to suffer from unimaginable pain and no treatments seemed to be working. Swamiji's one look and touch did the job!! No amount of gratitude I feel is enough for the master who has been so much, given so much for me....an embodiment of pure compassion and love beyond this world....

I have made a conscious decision to radiate his teachings....I will live by what he has taught me. I am positive that his mission will go on......no amount of logic can make me believe otherwise.....My humble obeisance at the lotus feet of the master.

Mitchell said...

Do you remember the slogan "Stop the press". When princess Diana died chased by the paparazzi in Paris so many angry people raised their voices against that monster called tabloid media.
this monster feed it self by peoples attention and ultimately occupies all their life. Only the rating has any matter for it. Nothing is secret. No God, no compassion, no love.

Swamiji teaches true love and compassion. He inspires people to search and find their true nature - the internal bliss. He said "I am here not to prove that I am God but to prove that you are God". He said "You are not human being having spiritual experiences. You are spiritual being having human experiences."
The humanity and compassion of his wise words cannot be shadowed by tabloid dirt.
After this hysteric savage attack so many prepared a label "dishonored" for all the true Swamiji's devotees. I would call them blessed from the divine!

Fidarose Isha said...

This whole blog is created with the assumption that Swamiji might not be the man involved in the sex video tape. I can agree with you for a time being. But what will happen tomorrow, if it is proved through scientific investigation that it was your Swamiji behind this tape ? Will you then quit his following ? Then, will you feel that he is not a enlightened master ?
This episode has brought to light on how to look at Sex closely. Even if it is proved that Swamiji was involved in the sex act, Is it a crime to be involved in sex ? Cannot we see with our eyes that there was no act of violence in the tape. He was just being playful with the women. Will you expect him to meditate or do a Aum Chanting, when it is time to enter a blissful experience of sexual intercourse ?
Sex becomes a destructive quality when it is associated with the attached emotions of possesiveness, violence. It becomes a hell like experience in the hand of person who does not meditate. But if one is meditative, then sex does not become a binding act. It just becomes a sharing of joyful energy.
Just for a time being, If we accept that your Swamiji was involved in the sex act, what is important for us to reflect is to look at all those years, which you have been following under swamiji ? If it has brought love, bliss, understanding to your life, than he is an enlightened master ? Following him, has your life values improved or it went down the drain ? Accordingly you should decide whether you should stay with him or quit.
Another thing is you cannot judge the ways of the enlightened master. Do you know about Paramahamsa Ramakrishna ? It is said that He used to run for food in the middle of spiritual discourse. This caused embarrasment to the sitting disciples that why would their Guru, who is supposed to be all knowing, needs to scamper for food, every now and then. Even his wife was frustrated with his behaviour. Ultimately, his wife questioned him about it ?
What Ramakrishna said is worth enquiring. He said that the day he loses interest in food, he will die within the next three days. Once Sarada, his wife, came with the food to Ramakrishna. But he was not ready to look at the food ? Suddenly the food dropped from the hands of her wife. She remembered what Ramakrishna has said about his infancy with food. She began to cry and wail but Ramakrishna did not take the food again. He died after 3 days. Despite his infancy for food, how much love and respect do we have for Ramakrishna today.
Actually, the truth is when the master is enlightened, the link between the body and soul becomes fragile. The soul is ready to leave the body. He is ready to be liberated and merge into the Ultimate. But the Master, out of compassion for this entire universe, begans to hold on to life, by being intensely involved in one of the senses of our body, whether it be food, sex or anything. The master does this because he can stay in the body and can enlighten the people on the ways to be liberated from this samsara.
If you have any comments to pass, you can visit my blog www.life-after-joining-ishayoga.blogspot.com. I have also posted a few articles of your swamiji in my blog. They are really a timeless discourse. He is truly a enlightened master.

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