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Why does media want us to believe what they want to believe?

Looking for the Truth without Pre-judging.

First of all I must state that I am not a devotee of Swami ji. So I do not look at the series of event surrounding him and the ashrams emotionally but rather objectively. So let us look at the allegations one after another. (a) regarding the video allegedly showing compromising postures. (b) regarding the Ashram near Bangalore (Bidadi) being built on grabbed land. (c) A few people living in Ashram under forced circumstances (d) mysterious death of one of the devotess from Canada.

Let us deal with (b), (c), (d) first. Its is clear that none of these allegations hold any ground. They are based on no facts.

If the ashram is build on grabbed land, why does someone does not go to court? Why does not the government take action? Why not even an FIR is registered against this so called land grabbing? So its clear that this one is simply to create rumours. Most of the people would behave emotionally and get carried by it rather than anyone thinking even little bit about it, once the media starts bombarding these allegations 24x7. Has the media contacted the police department? the office of the Ashram or the Registry office before coming to this allegation. Did the try to get a copy of the land documents with the ashram and checking them? The answer is no. Even the people making the allegation know its not true but then anyway the idea is more TRP and either childish or malafide.
If there are people who are living there against their will, the media can go and inspect parts of ashram? interview a few people at random? know the statistics of the people in the Ashram, and the procedure to get enrolled. Check the records of people and meet some of them to know if they are matching? Not even a few people been found who are telling that they are being held against their will. But the media keeps on simply broadcasting this allegation non-stop. This shows the professionalism of journalism in bad light.
If the Gentlemen died in so called mysterious way, did the media went to check with the police? the family of the concerned people? the ashram? and try to see if they resonate with each other or not? what are the basis on which the allegations have been made? Its sorry but the media did not do a single of these checks but kept on bombarding this allegation non-stop. I am not suggesting that the media is biased inherently but its an era of TRP, no one wants to miss the mad race of broadcasting something juicy and who care if its true or not. It is clear that this allegation also is simply untrue. If not why does the police not take action? if someone has any basis why he does not register an FIR? has even anyone tried to register an FIR? The answer is no because there are perhaps no such efforts because even the people who made allegation know that this does not hold any ground.
So as far as (b), (c), and (d) are concerned its crystal clear that as of present there are not even any hints that they can be true. Even the media does not find merit in them, as was clear in the press conference when some journalists started saying that these are small incidents and they are really interested only in (a). If they were small then why did it bombard us 24x7 with these as well?. Now having resolved these we have (a) remaining.

Its also clear that there has not been substantial clarification from the Ashram on this. But there can be many reasons. if they even say that yes the person in the video is swamiji although the video is morphed, the media will forget anything except "Swami ji accepts that he is in the video" and broadcast it 24x7 with a very negligible stuff about the morphing which in someway would pursue the viewer to have a view that swami ji has accepted his role to some extent in the story the video tries to propogate. So while we can feel suspicion why Swami ji and Ashram are not coming out clearly on specifics of the video allegations, we should also understand the possibility of them being very cautious seeing the rage of unsubstantiated allegations in the last few weeks. and most likely their approach is good one. Also its understandable that the ashram cannot deny completely without being for certain that Swami ji was not there since its quite possible that the video has been morphed in partially and they would have to retract this later. I think although its tempting to make a statement, and the Ashram management is doing the right thing by reserving the judgement once they find out more facts. The people allegedly involved in the video have not complained against each other. they are adults. What right did anyone have to put a camera inside someones bedroom? its a fundamental question of privacy in personal life. has any channel picked this up? Imagine if tomorrow a worker inside a ministers bedroom or even Prime ministers home or an chief editors home of a private news channel sets up a video and broadcasts it... will they have the same behaviour? Let us assume that video was not morphed (which is actually highly unlikely), its a matter of two adults in their private life.. what right does anyone have to intrude it?? So I will reserve my judgement on this episode once more facts come out. I saw a video of swami jis interview where he mentioned about meditation during the period when a devotee allegedly present in the video was serving him. The extra smart journalist somehow made a conclusion that Swami ji is trying to hint that he may be doing these activities in state of meditation. That is so cheap journalism. I would say let the viewer watch the interview and conclude. WHY DO THE NEWS ANCHORS WANT US TO BELIEVE WHAT THEY WANT TO BELIEVE?

Best regards,
V. N. Pandey,
Kapteyn Institute,
University of Groningen,
The Netherlands.


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