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Master is Bliss!

Master happening in one's life is very rare. And i'm too honored I'm a chosen disciple! Wonders happen with Master in your life and wonders happend in my life too. Wonders are not magics, please note. Magic's add momentary thrill and are never eternal! But understand if there can be an Ultimate wonder, it is the liberation from thoughts, engrams, from bondage and so on..Yes! Liberations are continuing in my inner space imbibing Master's each truth! i'm living a fulfilled life. Whatever happens in life, the inner core Bliss is never shaken! Renouncing wealth materials, health, sex is not REAL renunciation! But renouncing the negative emotions such as lust, fear, worry, expectaions, jealousy, comparison greed, ego discontentment, guilt is REAL real renunciation! Because, they are not yours, they DONT BELONG TO YOU and this is what EACH AND EVERY DEVOTEE AT DHYANAPEETAM ARE EXPERIENCING. We are l;iving His preachings every moment 24/7 literally every moment. These are practically possible only when they an AUTHENTIC GURU hits You at the Being with His powerful preachings! and thats where we are in! His hands!This is possible only by the one who can live and radiate God consciousness eternally!! Please give us back our Guru with all charishma of a spiritual hero! We need Him most! We need His well being! It is true that and enlightened Master is beyond emotions, but we devotees cant see our Master face so much harassment and hardahip! Be a human community!

- Gayathri Akshay


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