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Swamiji's Teachings have helped society

I don't know anything about Swamy Nityananada personally. But surely some of his teachings telecast on youtube are great.
His ideas on Guru, question answer sessions reflect the inner talent and very convincing.

But when it comes to things like video shown I think even if it were true the person to record is the first culprit, he is stabbing in the back
who harmed the society, even more is the channel who blindly transmits this kind of video morphed or unmorphed .. it harms lot of
families , children. Why should the channel be senseless first of all ... ?? they can keep the tapes and raise a case on the person if they wanted
to or help the man who recorded ...

... Is the socieity concerned about perosnal life of this young master , his struggles or hardships .. to build an
institution ? I think the focus is on his teaching , how much of good he offered to society. What he does with the people/women
who visit him is the issue between those people and him. Did he claim himself to be a Sanyasi .. then it is an
issue of his Sanyasi Dharma , his conscience.. ! Videos like this are a real noise unless the women raise their voice .

- Gomatha Varanasi Dharmapuri


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