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In Nithyanandam through thick and thin

Swamijee being targeted gives me a lot of pain. This is truly a cruel world. A person who only preaches good and efficient ways to live an enlightened life being made the target. Having read so many of his books and seen most of his disclosures on youtube i am left with nothing but gratitude for him to show us the way of life. His clear ideas and thoughts can never be doubted. I wonder if any of these people who are raising fingers at Swami have ever read or imbibed any of his teachings at all. The answer would surely and clearly be a no.

Well I continue to read his books and making a difference in my life. I pray that others instead of using their fingers to raise against Swami use it more to flip through his books. The choice is clearly theirs for Swamijee has nothing to loose. He only has abundance of knowledge to share.
In Nithyanandam through thick and thin. Rightly the 2010 message of Swami to radiate enlightenment with or without problems in life is now to be practised.



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