Write in your experience

Thank you for your continued support & contribution to this blog. This material is helping us build a comprehensive case portfolio that can be presented to the press, on TV, etc,. to garner public support for our cause! It is great to see the overwhelming positive responses and flood of emails in support of Nithyananda. If you want to post on this blog, share your blissful experiences by writing in to: Ncourage1000@gmail.com


Standing by you Swamiji

I met Swami in November 2002, my experiences have been profound.......... From a depressed being, blaming, cribbing, etc., about the outer world, after i attended his programme i changed to an aware, conscious being, learning the art of acceptance, understanding life is all about one's attitude . Then began my journey into my inner world and there has been no looking back. He has enabled me to grow in various ways and be in charge of my innerspace, whatever comes my way. He has been friend, philosopher, consultant, doctor.................... Never have i ever felt gender conscious with him, he has always been 'compassion personified', to one and all.

Though I have never been able to offer much, other than being integral to my 'self', i have received in plenty. His words resonate with every move i make.

All i can say is do we need to be so dualistic???? good, bad, right, wrong.....? And if we do need to classify into right and wrong, can we stop....feel.......think...... before concluding? Do we delete / discount all that we have received for one supposed wrong, that can even be beyond one's understanding?

In gratitude and prayers
Ma Nithya Aparna (Revathi)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I met swami in may 2008.I attended his Nithyananda Spurana Program.This program made me to realize who i am and i have got good health, mental health and confidence to face death through this program.Swamiji has solved all my personal problems.Thanks Swamiji.

My deep gratitude

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