Write in your experience

Thank you for your continued support & contribution to this blog. This material is helping us build a comprehensive case portfolio that can be presented to the press, on TV, etc,. to garner public support for our cause! It is great to see the overwhelming positive responses and flood of emails in support of Nithyananda. If you want to post on this blog, share your blissful experiences by writing in to: Ncourage1000@gmail.com


Now we arise and awake!

Dear Readers and Truth Seekers,

What does it mean to be completely fulfilled?
It is an experience of not needing to go anywhere, not needing to do anything and not needing to accumulate anything - you are complete, you are whole, you are fulfilled. This is the experience that Swamiji has planted in me and everytime I am in His presence, this experience goes deeper and deeper. One would think that not needing to do anything or not needing to go anywhere would mean I would just lay in my bed doing nothing - NO!!! Swamiji has given me deeper understanding of my own being - Swamiji has opened many dimensions in me that seeks for a better world and seeks to serve for a better world. Whether it be writing a simple poetry or a piece of music or teaching Nithya Dhyan meditation to a woman whose doctor gave her few months to live and seeing her find her peace - whether it be simply being able to help co-workers with their personal problems because I read Swamiji's Guranteed Solutions book and taken his meditation workshops, or finding inspiration to start a business based on Swamiji's teachings - how could you start a business based on someone's spiritual teachings, you may ask - but this is not out of lust for money but out of love to serve people. So this fulfillment is not of non-action but of expression, and this expression is out of joy and full of life. This is what Swamiji has given me.

What is it like to be in Nithyananda family?
I joined Nithyananda family way before I met Swamiji - being with the Family is being with Swamiji himself. Nobody here speaks the same language as I do and people are from all different backgrounds but I feel completely at home with my family. I fight with them, argue with them, laugh with them, pull childish prank on them - there is nobody judging me and everybody is committed to their own growth. Women are called Ma (mother). How strange!! I thought when I first learned that women are called Ma!!! Then I understood that calling women of all ages Ma, brings forth such respect, such beautiful feelings inside of you that the effects of society and media that pumps so much lust simply dissappears. Such is Swamiji's organization - amazing respect for women!!! I have not met my own mother for almost a decade now but since I have been part of Nithyananda Family, I have had several mothers in my life. I bug them, I make them mad, but they always make sure I have my dinner on time. They yell at me, they make fun of me but I truly love them and also feel loved. They are all my mothers and thats how I see them. This is what Swamiji has created - a world-wide family that is full of love, music and dance. This is a glimpse of my experience of being part of Nithyananda Family.

Who is Swamiji?
The experience of Swamiji's presence is very hard to describe in words and I can sing songs and write poetry for the rest of my life trying to express that experience. His mere presence can tarnsform your life - like a flower has no choice but to bloom in the presence of sunlight, similarly it is hard not to find bliss in his presence. But he is not one person - he has countless dimensions!!! If you are a student, he is a teacher; if you are a disciple, he is a master; if you are a seeker, he is a seer; if you are wounded, he is a healer; if you are a child, he is a mother, if you are a singer, he is a song, if you are lost, he is the light!!! It entirely depends on who you are - he is a mirror that shows you not the reflection of who you are now but the reflection of what you can become when you reach your full potential. He awakens you to your true potential. He is an embodiment and living proof of what human consciousness can become.

What about the Scandals?
It is amazing that there is always a group of people who are not able to stand that there is somebody who wants to spread love and peace in the world. Jesus, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Lennon - if you are for love and peace, you get crucified, shot, hanged and what not!!! And this is not the first time a spirtual master has been a target of these scandals and will not be the last. If you really follow the news then there are countless other charges against other spiritual masters that came out same week - one would think that this is a season of scandals on TV this month!!!

No doubt that Nithyananda family has been hurt by all this, but it is in these trying times that people find their voice and their strength. One thing is certain - just like after September 11, the whole nation got stronger and stood up, this is what this scandal has done to us. We are more intense in our spiritual practices and our love for Swamiji has grown deeper, our leap of faith is wider and our bonds grow stronger. But this faith is not a blind faith - it is faith that comes from the authenticity of our experiences with Swamiji. Come what may - everyday we grow stronger and stronger. But this strength is not of violence or revolt - this strength is of our love for Swamiji and our genuine yearn to better our communities. We are not against anything but we are for Truth, love and social transformation.

People who are following this scandal and trying to know the truth should weigh out the wealth of extrordinary testimonials and groundbreaking social services that Swamiji has done versus a grainy video from questionable sources. Take a moment to think about it, on one hand there are millions of people who have experienced profound life changing experiences, thousands families have been fed, hundreds recieving free medical services, and on the other hand 2-3 minutes of videos that is supposed to discredit all that??? Its almost laughable!!! Think of one organization that provides free food, free shelther, free education and free life tools...Swamiji's organization does that and in this day and age of Capitalism!!! Think of an organization that is run by 100% volunteers...Swamiji's organization is run by people who have benefitted from his teachings and want to share it with their friends, family and community. Imagine thousands of well educated people with full time job, career and family eagerly and happily contributing their time to make sure that other people also experience what they have experienced....now think of that video - is it really supposed to show the true nature of Swamiji's organization and of Swamiji himself????

Isn't it amazing what media can do??? But we have seen it time and time over again, haven't we? How easily media targets a larger than life persona and takes great pleasure in destroying him/her to the ground.

So what now?
Now we Arise and Awake!!! We have work to do!!! We see how much our society and culture is plagued with uncounscious thinking and addicted to cheap entertainment. It is sad to see that so many people are living a pseudo-life and vomiting hatred, fear and greed into our society. Swamiji is on a mission to erradicate all this by reviving Vedic culture. Swamiji's mission is important for humanity at large and not just for us disciples. It is through Vedic culture that we will bring forth a new chapter in human evolution. This scandal is a mere speed bump for us and so now we get to work and now we Arise and Awake!!!

I invite you to read more testimonials and get a true picture of what is going on and also experience Swamiji yourself by checking out few of his videos at http://www.youtube.com/LifeBlissFoundation

Nithyanandam (In Eternal Bliss)
San Jose, CA


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