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Always in gratitude

Nithyanandam all,

This incident really opened my eyes to how much Swamiji really gave me. There was not much disturbance in me and for every doubt that was rising there were more thoughts about the great teachings and truths that he has drilled into us. If material pleasures were what he was interested in, his supreme intellect and ability to work 24x7x365 would enable him to get everything in the world. But he so selflessly spends all his energy into transforming us knowing fully well that some of us would spewing poison in the form of hatred at him. What compassion! His teachings and techniques and difference that He has made in our life is so tangible that it is almost unbelievable.

I pray that this drama end quickly and that this whole episode makes the whole world realize His greatness even more.

With sincere gratitude and respect at His feet


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