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Thank you for your continued support & contribution to this blog. This material is helping us build a comprehensive case portfolio that can be presented to the press, on TV, etc,. to garner public support for our cause! It is great to see the overwhelming positive responses and flood of emails in support of Nithyananda. If you want to post on this blog, share your blissful experiences by writing in to: Ncourage1000@gmail.com


I stand up for Sanatana Dharma

Hari Om!

I am not disciple of Swi Swamiji Nithyananda but I see the light of wisdom through his words, the same light as through words of my beloved Master. He is protector of Sat Sanatan Dharma and spread this divine knowledge world wide. Thanks to my Master, thanks to Swami Nithayananda and many other divine souls who selflessly help us to live better life.
I pray for all bhaktas to stay on the Way, no metter of circumstamces. Sat sanatan Dharma Ki Jay!

Gulabi Devi, Croatia


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