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In the cradle of existence

This title is apt description of what each visitor feels as he enters the Bidadi ashram of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam. Now let me share the experience of Master who is existence in form. Before my involvement with Swami's program I had physical problem of jaw disalignment. As and when I yawn my jaws used to go out of alignment and i had difficulty in closing them. This problem was becoming more and more frequent and I was in great distress. My doctor told me that it cannot be corrected and I just have to be aware and not open my mouth widely. Later I attended the first level meditation program with Swamiji and during the final energy darshan I yawned and my mouth could not be closed. With great struggle I closed and was in deep distress. That moment onwards an intense prayer arose in me towards Swami to get relief from this persisting problem. As I was returning by train while lying down I could clearly feel divine energy entering my jaw area and I clearly felt some form of surgery being done with a screw bolted and tightenend and after a few minutes I yawned but my mouth closed comfortably. I knew Swami has answered my prayer and till today I am free of that problem. Such is the power that is amidst us as an answer to our prayers. Let us not allow anyone or any situation dissuade us from holding on to the feet of the Master.

Aum Hreem Nithyanandaya NamaH

Ever grateful to that benign power


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